Many homeowners see professional carpet cleaning as an expensive luxury, intended to keep carpets and homes smelling fresh by removing all the dirt that the vacuum cleaner leaves behind. Others have struggled with rented carpet cleaning equipment, spending hours of hard work only to be left with an unsatisfying and short-lived “fresh” smell, and carpet that is usually still dirty.
The truth is that the benefits of carpet cleaning go well beyond just deep cleaning. Dirty carpet can be a health hazard, lowing air quality in your home and adversely affecting the health of your family.
Airborne pollutants such as pet dander and allergens frequently become trapped in carpet, only to be released into the air as toxic gas when the carpet is vacuumed or even when the carpet is walked on. My Affordable Flooring’ carpet cleaning experts use hot water extraction (also known as steam cleaning) to trap pollutants and kill bacteria, and then remove them from the carpet. Not only does this remove many stains and discoloration from carpets, it also improves the air quality of your home. This reduces the risk of an adverse reaction from those with sensitivity to allergens.
Beyond the allergens that collect in carpet from daily activity in the home, another concern is dust mites and the allergens they leave behind. These microscopic bugs not only make a home in your carpet, they leave behind their feces and body parts as well, all of which are launched into the air when carpet is disturbed. Hot water extraction kills dust mites, and powerful vacuum forces remove them and their mess from your carpet.
Mold is also a concern, particularly in humid seasons. My Affordable Flooring removes dirt and debris from your carpets with high heat and and powerful extraction, leaving clean and dry carpet fibers. Once your carpet is clean and dry, there is no place for mold and mildew to grow.
Call Today for a Free Estimate!
Is your carpet overdue for a professional cleaning? Call us today at 262-653-1120 for a free, no-obligation estimate, or fill out our contact form to schedule a free, in-home visit.
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