You’ve gained a new canine friend, congratulations! Now comes the part where you learn how to take care of him. And more than that, you’ve got to learn how to take care of your house now that a dog has joined the family.
Whether they live outside most of the time or not, dogs can leave messes wherever they go. Dog hair alone can make your carpets messier.
Carpet cleaning with a dog in the home doesn’t have to be a hassle, though. To help you adjust quicker, here are three tips for new dog owners.
1. Use Masking Tape
Masking tape is great for all sorts of crafts, but did you know it’s great for cleaning, too? Depending on the type of dog you own, you may end up with lots of hair on your carpet. Large amounts of carpet can clog your vacuum like nothing else.
To save your vacuum the extra strain, go over your carpeting with masking tape first. All you’ll need is a paint roller and a lot of tape.
Wrap the tape around the roller with the sticky side facing out. Then roll your new tool all over the carpet to pick up hair before you vacuum! If you’ve ever used a lint roller for clothing, this works essentially the same way.
2. Clean Stains Quickly
If you’ve purchased a puppy, there’s a good chance he’ll have some accidents. Before your dog is potty trained, be prepared to clean urine from your carpet.
Urine left too long can permanently change the color of your carpet, so act as quickly as you can. First, absorb as much moisture as you can. Once you’ve done that, use a solution to help clean your carpet. This can be a urine remover purchased from your local store or you can use soap and water.
To use the soap and water method, mix 1/4 teaspoon of clear dishwashing liquid with one cup of tepid water. Apply to the affected area, then dry with a clean towel and rinse with tepid water. You may need to go through this process more than once.
3. Scoop Up Solids
There’s more to picking up solids than you may think. Don’t just use a paper towel or rag to pick them up. When using that method you apply a squeezing motion, which may force the substance into the carpet.
Instead, use something solid, like a putty knife or other dull knife. Scrape the solid into a dustpan or onto something else, then lift it from the carpet.
To clean stains where solids were left, try using an oxygenated bio-enzymatic cleaner. It will take time for the cleaner to do its job, but it will help remove the stain.
Try These Tips for New Dog Owners
Having a dog is tons of fun, but it’s important to know how to clean up after them properly. When bringing a new dog home, your carpets are one part of your house that will take the biggest beating. Luckily, there doesn’t have to be any lasting stains or damage.
These carpet cleaning tips for new dog owners will help you keep your carpets in tip-top shape. Keep them in mind when bringing Fido home. You’ll be happy that you did!
Followed these carpet cleaning tips for new dog owners but your carpets still need a good, deep clean? Contact us for a free estimate! We offer professional carpet cleaning in Milwaukee, Racine, and northern Illinois.
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